
The world is pretty crappy but understanding it doesn’t have to be.



2020 was a year of emotional and political whiplash. Today, prominent leaders, influential institutions, and ordinary people alike are attempting to pick up the pieces shattered left by a pandemic, political unrest, and economic uncertainty. The final season of the podcast will dive into perspectives and ideas that will hopefully bring greater stability and cooperation around the world.

Season 4, “Is America Dead?”, explored America’s relevancy to the world from the diplomatic, economic, public health (hey, COVID!), and various political perspectives shaping the global political space.

The show is a proud member of the Diversity in National Security Action Network.

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What is this show about?

What in the World (WITW)? makes global issues understandable and relevant to ordinary American people. Explained by expert women and people of color, we break down global political news by connecting it to your everyday life.

Caution: We believe in learning that's based on historical facts, avoiding needless partisan bickering, and using humor and music to connect—Global politics is pretty depressing. Listen until the end of each show. You might break into a one, two-step. It's totally ok.


for·eign pol·i·cy: how a nation deals with other nations, other people, and the global institutions that influence them.


#39 - Passing the Baton

This first episode of season 5 is a lovefest with the founders and advisory board members of Diversity in National Security Action Network (DINSN). Together with Bunmi, Camille Stewart, Marcus T. Coleman Jr., and Clifford Pulley III recount the contributions of DINSN and share the call to action for others to continue the imperative of bringing greater diversity to foreign policy. They also share their thoughts on topics of the day related to voting rights, cybersecurity and competition with China. Follow DINSN on social media at NatSecDiver and stay connected to Camille (@CamilleEsq), Marcus (@MTColemanJr), and Clifford (Clifford Pulley on Linked In).

#38 - Leadership in Times of Crisis

We've all heard that we are living in "unprecedented times" and "a new normal”. The last time the US faced a pandemic was over a century ago. So, what does it take to actually lead during the COVID-19 global pandemic in 2020? During this episode, we talk with three women who are leading in this time of crisis: Dr. Tener Veenema, internationally recognized expert in disaster nursing; Grelia Steele, a vibrant emergency manager and Phebean Akinwande, a Nigerian immigrant who for 30 years has cared for the elderly. From their vantage points, they explain what makes the COVID-19 pandemic different than anything they've seen, how they lead, and how the US response to the pandemic is intricately entwined with their daily lives.

This episode was produced in partnership with the Diversity in National Security Network, Ink Stick Media, and Columbia University. Production Assistant is Mandy Kwan.

#37 - The United States and The WHO?

The 72-year-old global organization known as the World Health Organization(WHO) has been at the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, President Trump has ceased contributions to the organization and has begun America's withdrawal--a move that has left many wondering about America's influence. On this episode, human rights expert and former UN worker, Pushkar Sharma, explains how the WHO works and how international organizations serve American interests. This episode was created in collaboration with the Diversity in National Security Network (DINSN). Co-Director: Clifford Pulley, DINSN; Edited by Melissa Pons; Theme Song is Carter Barron, Oddisee.

Get Smarter:

What we will lose if the United States cuts ties with the WHO

Global leadership is in Quarantine

Lean on Me, From Six Feet Away Please

Update on the Withdrawal from the World Health Organization

#36 - Is America Dead? I've Got the Power!

America's existence has grown as a result of decades of flexing its political power. While contested by various nations and "non-state actors", America's "grand strategies" has still been virtually unmatched. In the midst of COVID-19 though, we're wondering if America still has the power. Has China "won" the global competition for respect, influence, and dominance? Ali Wyne (@Ali_Wyne), nonresident Fellow at the Atlantic Council, explains the foreign policy concept known as "grand strategy" and how despite what we see, America still remains a relevant powerhouse on the global stage. This episode was created in collaboration with the Diversity in National Security Network (@NatSecDiver). Co-Director: Clifford Pulley, DINSN; Edited by Melissa Pons; Theme Song is Carter Barron, Oddisee.

Get Smarter:

US Grand Strategy for the post pandemic world

What China’s Coronavirus can teach the rest of the world

Chinese Coronavirus foreign aid expands influence

The end of grand strategy

#35 - All Eyes on U.S.: How America Can Walk it's Talk (Special Episode)

During this defining moment in history, the world is watching as the United States addresses protests and racial injustice, cheats its own democratic values, and fumbles the management of the COVID-19 pandemic. What can a progressive approach do to course-correct? Host Bunmi Akinnusotu and featured guests Anka Lee (@anka_Lee), Meg Guliford (@mkguliford), and Laicie Heeley (@Laicie) put forth ways progressive leaders can seize the opportunity to restore faith in America's global engagement and mend what has been broken here at home. This episode was sponsored by the Truman National Security Project (@TrumanProject) as part of the 2020 Democratic National Convention and produced in partnership with the Diversity in National Security Network (@NatSecDiver). Co-Director: Clifford Pulley; Theme Song: The Carter Barron by Oddisee.

Get Smarter:

The Optimistic Case for Hong Kong, Anka Lee

Things That Go Boom Podcast, Laicie Heeley

Perry World House - UPENN Events

What is the New START Treaty?

#34 - Is America Dead? Cash Rules & COVID

One of the greatest hip hop groups of all time, the Wutang Clan, once chanted: Cash rules everything around me. America, by way of the dollar, has been the ruling authority of global economic institutions and standards--to which we owe much of our modern-day comforts. Today though, Cornoravirus has wreaked economic havoc and has required new considerations for the movement of money, goods and services. Whether it's responding to the threat of empty aisles of toilet paper or the movement of money, the American economy is forever changed. Will the dollar continue to rule in a post-COVID world? Or will it be eclipsed by the economic might of its competitors? Yaya Fanusie (@signcurve), a former CIA agent and expert on illicit finance and cryptocurrency, explains the implications of COVID-19 on the US economy beyond what we hear in the news, and what it could mean for you. Co-Director: Clifford Pulley of Diversity in National Security Network (@NatSecDiver). Theme Song: The Carter Barron, Oddisee; Concluding Song: Victory Boyd, Who I am

#33 - Is America Dead? Race & Foreign Policy

Continuing on the theme “Is America Dead?”, this episode explores the intersection of race and foreign policy. The foreign policy block is hot. The recent racial and political unrest has lit a fire of debate and reflection in foreign policy. Scholars, policymakers, and everyone in between have finally joined the party and are now grappling with America’s (and the world’s) longstanding avoidance of white supremacy and racial discrimination. Camille Stewart (Twitter: @CamilleEsq) and Dr. Muhammad Frasier-Rahiem (Twitter: @mfraserrahim) spoke with host, Bunmi Akinnusotu, about America’s racist foreign policies, its impact on the present and some solutions for moving forward. Learn more about the Muslim experience in America and buy Dr. Frasier's Book: America’s Other Muslims: Imam W.D. Mohammed, Islamic Reform, and the Making of American Islam.

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Ralph J. Bunche 1969 Speech: UCLA Communications Studies Department
Foreign Adversaries, homegrown terrorist recruitment, and black pain

America’s Other Muslims:Imam W.D. Mohammed, Islamic Reform, and the Making of American Islam

Systemic Racism is Cyber Security Threat

#32 - Is America Dead? Diplomacy & It’s Discontents

In this season 4 kick-off, Bunmi Akinnusotu is joined by Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, a 30-year diplomat to discuss the health of the Department of State and America's "situationship" with the rest of the world. Amid a global pandemic, the dismissal of norms and expectations of diplomacy, Ambassador Abercrombie-Winstanley argues America has been weakened but there is hope! Follow Ambassador Abercrombie-Winstanley, the Cleveland native and Temptations fan, on Twitter and stay up to date on her efforts to strengthen the State Department. Then, subscribe to What in the World? podcast on Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts so you don't miss a show. Use #foreignpolicyforthepeople to share your thoughts on this episode and more. This episode was recorded remotely to maintain the safety and health of the host and her guests.Co-Director: Clifford Pulley, Georgetown University

Get Smarter:

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Report- State Department: Additional Steps Are Needed to Identify Potential Barriers to Diversity

A Trump-Size Hole In Our Relationship

Diversity in National Security Network